在Enlite Academy的研究項目中,學生在來自東京大學等機構的教授和研究人員的指導下學習大學級的研究方法。透過英語進行研究和工作坊,學生將深入沉浸於自己感興趣的領域。
「我覺得這很好,因為有一個格式或基礎為我鋪好了路徑,我得到了幫助,並獲得了如何進行我想研究的內容的建議。這可能會通過彙總數據、研究、分析我列出的資源是否可靠等方式幫助我為上大學做準備,因為這些都是我在大學裡需要掌握的技能。」 —— 三田國際高中,11年級
「我覺得親自參與實驗對我來說非常有幫助。我掌握了研究所需的必要部分,並進一步理解了研究的不同類型。」 —— 12年級學生
「我認為這肯定會對我的未來有幫助,因為我在高中需要做很多項目。」 —— 10年級學生
「這是一個很棒的體驗,你可以從頭開始做實驗。如果你有真正感興趣的東西,這真的非常好。」 —— 三田國際高中,12年級
在Enlite Academy的研究项目中,学生在来自东京大学等机构的教授和研究人员的指导下学习大学级别的研究方法。通过英语研究和工作坊,学生将深入沉浸在自己感兴趣的领域中。
—— 三田国际高中,11年级“我觉得亲自参与实验对我来说非常有帮助。我掌握了研究所需的必要部分,并进一步理解了研究的不同类型。”
—— 12年级学生“我认为这肯定会对我的未来有帮助,因为我在高中需要做很多项目。”
—— 10年级学生“这是一次很棒的体验,你可以从头开始做实验。如果你有真正感兴趣的东西,这真的非常好。”
—— 三田国际高中,12年级
In an Era Where Grades Alone Are Not Enough, What Is Truly Needed?
"Hands-on experience" and "Deep exploration of specialized fields"
At prestigious universities in the U.S. and elsewhere, achieving top grades is considered a basic expectation. In today's university admissions process, it is not just academic performance that matters, but also the student's ability to deepen their own interests and pursue "passion projects" in their field of study. Practical experience has become a crucial factor in determining admission outcomes.
In Enlite Academy's Research Program, students learn university-level research methodologies with the guidance of professors and researchers from institutions such as the University of Tokyo. Through English-language research and workshops, they immerse themselves deeply in their field of interest.
As a final project, students will create a unique research paper that will be beneficial for university admissions. The paper and its presentation will be evaluated by professors and researchers from prestigious universities such as the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Kyoto University.
Certification of completion provided.
What did you like or what was helpful about the research program?
“I thought it was good because I had a format or base laid out for me to follow which I was helped through and got advice for how to work on what I wanted to research about. It'll probably help me prep for college through compiling data,researching,analyzing to see if the sources I put down were reliable,etc as these are things I need to know how to do for college” - Grade 11, Mita International High School
“I think it was very helpful for me to actually work on the experiment. I got the hand of the necessary parts of researching, and I further understood about the types of researches.” - Grade 12 student
“I think it will definitely help in my future since I will need to do a lot of projects in high school.” -Grade 10
“It was a great experience where you can actually do an experiment from scratch. Its actually really good if you have something you are truly interested in.” - Grade 12, Mita International High School
Ms. Chihiro
Mr. Scott
IELTS Instructor
Ms. Dana
Academy Director/University Application Counselor
Mr. Fred
Mr. Takumi
University Application Counselor